[Pw_forum] Setting the scale in plotrho

Subhradip Ghosh subhra at uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 1 15:46:31 CEST 2004


I tried this. It does not change the size of the plot. The
only difference it does is that it washes out some of the
structures in the previous plot i.e. the one with
e1=0 1 0 and e2= 0 0 1


---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 15:38:01 +0200
>From: Mickael Profeta <profeta at sissa.it>  
>Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Setting the scale in plotrho  
>To: pw_forum at pwscf.org
>> The orthogonal vectors used in [110] case are:
>> e1= 1 1 0
>> e2= 0 0 1
>> The orthogonal vectors used in [100] case are:
>> e1= 0 1 0
>> e2= 0 0 1
>> When I plotted out the charge densities I found that the size
>> of the [110] figure is 13.25x8.75 cm which is sqrt(2)x1
>> essentially.
>> The size of [100] figure is 10.7x10.7 cm which is 1x1.
>> This is consistent with the length of the orthogonal vectors
>> chosen. But, I want the plots in the same scale i.e. I want
>> the size of the [100] figure to be 8.75x8.75 cm so that I can
>> have consistency with the size of the [110] figure.
>> Is it possible to do?
>If you scale the e vectors it should do the job:
>leave [110] unchanged
>and use
>e1= 0 0.8177 0
>e2 = 0 0 0.8177
>Hope it can help
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                      Subhradip Ghosh
                   Post doctoral Fellow
                   Department of Materials Science & Engineering
                   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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