[Pw_forum] Setting the scale in plotrho

Subhradip Ghosh subhra at uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 1 15:26:07 CEST 2004


I have a question about setting the scale in the ps output
file of charge density generated by plotrho.x.

I am working on a Cscl structure. I plotted out the charge
densities along [110] and [100] directions.

The orthogonal vectors used in [110] case are:

e1= 1 1 0
e2= 0 0 1

The orthogonal vectors used in [100] case are:

e1= 0 1 0
e2= 0 0 1

When I plotted out the charge densities I found that the size
of the [110] figure is 13.25x8.75 cm which is sqrt(2)x1

The size of [100] figure is 10.7x10.7 cm which is 1x1.

This is consistent with the length of the orthogonal vectors
chosen. But, I want the plots in the same scale i.e. I want
the size of the [100] figure to be 8.75x8.75 cm so that I can
have consistency with the size of the [110] figure.

Is it possible to do?

                      Subhradip Ghosh
                   Post doctoral Fellow
                   Department of Materials Science & Engineering
                   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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