[Pw_forum] compilation on SUN

Gerardo Ballabio g.ballabio at cineca.it
Tue Feb 24 17:51:15 CET 2004

On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 16:40, Stefano Piscanec wrote:
>     cc  -c c_getenv.c
>     You are strongly advised to use the mpcc command for MPI and S3L code
>     This is a Sun recommendation, as the path requirements are very complex
> This may affect clib.a and indici.o, and could explain why all my attempts
> of compilation failed. I searched for c compiler name and flags in both
> make.sys and /clib/Makefile, but I couldn't find anything.  It seems to me
> that a line with those information should be added, but I don't know where
> and how.

It is in make.sys indeed, the very first two lines:

CC      = C compiler
CCFLAGS = C compiler flags

If your make.sys doesn't have them, you must be using an old version.
Try regenerating it with the new "configure" script. (You've downloaded
the latest CVS version, haven't you?)
Run it this way:

./configure CC=mpcc

and it should detect your parallel compiler out of the box.


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