[Pw_forum] error in compiling of PWSCF 2.1 on RedHat 9.0

Eyvaz Isaev eyvaz_isaev at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 27 15:47:44 CET 2004

In addition to my previous mail I would like to quot
that Fedora Core 3 distribution  seems to have g95
compiler. See gcc4*.rpm files.


--- Tae-Bum Lee <tblee at insilicotech.co.kr> wrote:

> Dear,
> I am so happy to find PWSCF for solid state QM level
> calculation using
> pesudopotential......
> I would like to test the PWscf for my solid system
> calculation on Redhat
> linux 9.0 system.
> When I try to configure the PWSCF source code on my
> system, I have got
> the error message 
> from shell as you see in my attachment. I cannot
> hardly find the way of
> fixing for my 
> problem in README or installation guide. Must I edit
> the configure file
> for my 32-bit linux 
> system in manually for each system ? From the
> README, the compiling of
> PWSCF is just executed 
> by "./configure" and "make install" after untar of
> PWSCF source code. 
> Because of my poor understanding of autoconf and
> make application, I
> have some trouble to configure 
> and compile the PWSCF manually on my system. Is it
> necessary to use
> specific fortran 90 compilier or not ?
> If then, which version of fortran 90 compilier is
> needed ? 
> If you let me know the best way of problem fixing or
> configuration
> procedure, I appreciate greatly,

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream

> ATTACHMENT part 3 application/octet-stream

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