[Pw_forum] Fermi energy

Stefano de Gironcoli degironc at sissa.it
Thu Dec 23 13:28:09 CET 2004

The Fermi energy is only computed for a _scf calculation _in a_ metal 
_in order to fill the correct number of electronic states.
It is not well defined (at 0 K) for an insulator, it can be anywhere in 
the gap.
In a band structure calculation it is not calculated since the k-point 
used are usually not a representative sampling of the full BZ.

Stefano de Gironcoli

Ben Hope wrote:

>Simple one this:
>I have run both scf and nscf calculations (in order to obtain a band
>structure). The Fermi energy does not seem to be included in the output
>(unless I am being very blind again). How does one obtain this figure?
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