[Pw_forum] quaetions about phonon calculation

Shaorui Sun sunsr at ihep.ac.cn
Sun Dec 5 03:51:13 CET 2004

Dear all:
     When I calculate the phonon of ZnO with hexagonal structure, the gamma point is done sucessfully. But for other points, such as (0.1, 0, 0), whose input file as follows:
phonons of ZnO at 0.1
0.1 0.0 0.0
the error information always come out as follows:
     Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials

     nbndx  =    22  nbnd   =    22  natomwfc =    20  npwx   =     496
     nelec  =   36.00 nkb   =    52  ngl    =     242
     from phq_readin : error #         1
      Wrong iswitch 
     stopping ...
Who could tell me how to solve it, and how to select the phonon wavevectors?

Best Regards!
                        S. R. Sun
Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Institute of High Energy Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P. O. Box 918, 100049 Beijing
P. R. China
Tel: 0086+10 88236710
email:sunsr at ihep.ac.cn

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