[Pw_forum] I cannt type any character in PWGUI
Tone Kokalj
Tone.Kokalj at ijs.si
Wed Dec 1 11:59:01 CET 2004
On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 10:43:50AM +0800, ?????? wrote:
> Dear Dr,
> I got a problem during preparing the pw input file. I cannt type any
> character in PWGUI, like the name, value, etc. So i can only edit an
> old input file under command line. Why? Environment:Pentium4 3.0c +
> redhat 8.0 + Intel compiler 8.1.
More information is needed in order to help you. Please specify what
you do, and where it stops, etc.
Please note that PWgui tries to be smart: if you try to type a
alphabetic character (a-zA-Z) in an entry where a number is expected,
the PWgui will not let you do it.
Regards, Tone
| Anton Kokalj Email: Tone.Kokalj at ijs.si |
| Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry Phone: x 386 1 477 3523 |
| Jozef Stefan Institute Fax: x 386 1 477 3811 |
| Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana |
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