[Pw_forum] compilation error continued

A Sen asen at iitk.ac.in
Wed Dec 1 07:08:49 CET 2004

Dear Dr. Carlo,
           As per your advice, I removed the parenthesis from the
complex_diis_module.f90 file of the PW directory:

( .NOT. conv(ib) )    =>    .NOT. conv(ib)

...but still the following errors keep coming:
MODULE complex_diis_module
f90-855 f90: ERROR COMPLEX_DIIS_MODULE, File = complex_diis_module.f90,
Line = 24, Column = 8
  The compiler has detected errors in module "COMPLEX_DIIS_MODULE".  No
module information file will be created for this module.

            FORALL( ib = 1: nbnd, .NOT. conv(ib) )
f90-197 f90: ERROR INIT_STEPS, File = complex_diis_module.f90, Line = 339,
Column = 35
  Unexpected syntax: "index-name or mask expression" was expected but
found ".".
            END FORALL
f90-289 f90: ERROR INIT_STEPS, File = complex_diis_module.f90, Line = 343,
Column = 13
  This END FORALL statement has no matching FORALL statement.

         FORALL( ib = 1: nbnd_diis, .NOT. conv(ib) )
f90-197 f90: ERROR DIIS_WITH_ORTHO, File = complex_diis_module.f90, Line =
Column = 37
  Unexpected syntax: "index-name or mask expression" was expected but
found ".".
         END FORALL
f90-289 f90: ERROR DIIS_WITH_ORTHO, File = complex_diis_module.f90, Line =
Column = 10
  This END FORALL statement has no matching FORALL statement.

f90: MIPSpro Fortran 90 Version 7.3  (f52) Wed Dec  1, 2004  11:37:31
f90: 1189 source lines
f90: 5 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Other message(s), 0 ANSI(s)
cf90: "explain cf90-message number" gives more information about each message
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
It appears that somehow the syntax of the FORALL construct were not
accepted by our SGI compiler. Kindly help me in sorting out the actual
All the best.

A. Sen
Arijit Sen, PhD                 | Tel:            +91-5122597092
Research Associate              | Fax:            +91-5122590914
480,Faculty Building            | Mobile:         +91-9935388842
Department of Physics           | Email:         asen at iitk.ac.in
Indian Institute of Technology  |            dr_asen at yahoo.co.in
Kanpur 208016, INDIA            |        Dr.Arijit.Sen at gmail.com

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