[Pw_forum] errors when running examples

Sergei Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Wed Aug 25 18:34:32 CEST 2004

Dear Glenn,

 Aso Kenn said, Atlas library does not contain full lapack library. But I would like present my small expirience using atlas/acml/mkl/goto library on Athlon machine.

I performed a small test of example3. I got that faster pw code is code linked with atlas and acml library (gnu32_nosse2). It is well explained at the manual. But I found a more faster case with goto blas library (for athlon I used p3 code) and acml library. For this small example (it tooks from 2 to 3 minutes on my machine) the code finished faster (around 11 seconds). So, acml library works.

Good luck,
 Best wishes,

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