[Pw_forum] (no subject)
Raghani Pushpa
pushpa at jncasr.ac.in
Sat Apr 24 17:45:09 CEST 2004
dear users,
i was doing the phonon calculations on bulk ga at gamma point, there are
12 filled bands and i was using a degauss of 0.02 Ry, so i kept nbnd as
22. after doing the selfconsistent calculation when i do the nscf
calculation, it gives the following error
Band Structure Calculation
Davidson diagonalization (with overlap)
WARNING: 11 eigenvalues not converged
WARNING: 16 eigenvalues not converged
WARNING: 6 eigenvalues not converged
WARNING: 8 eigenvalues not converged
from cdiaghg : error # 130
info =/= 0
stopping ...
the structure of the bulk ga is all correct, i have checked the bulk
modulus etc. with the previous calculations. could you tell me why am i
getting this error and how to solve the problem?
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