[Pw_forum] Error during phonon calculation

Stefano de Gironcoli degironc at sissa.it
Tue Sep 16 09:40:07 CEST 2003

Strange errors, maybe also the one you encountered, may appear in 
parallel calculations if some
garbage is left in the outdir directory and is mis-interpreted by the 
phonon code (I dont know why
but will try to find out).
Make sure you run the pw+ph codes using a clean directory as your outdir.

Stefano de Gironcoli

Hong, SamPyo wrote:

>Thank you for your questions !
>The executable ph.x used has been used successfully for other
>Theses error occurred in parallel execution but I don't know if they are
>related to just one node or all machines. When I repeat the problematic
>calculation under exact same condition, the error above happens in
>different stages of the calculation compared to the previous one, for
>examples, different representation, different mode, and different
>iteration number.

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