[Pw_forum] Fw: Compiling error of Pw-1.3
Guido Roma
roma at cea.fr
Tue Sep 16 08:54:52 CEST 2003
Sergei Lisenkov wrote:
> Dear PW users,
> I have error with compiling the new version of PWscf-1.3 on Compaq Alpha clusters using Compaq Compiler:
> ......
> mpif90 -O -fpe0 -real_size 64 -align dcommons -align records -free -cpp -D__ALPHA -D__PARA -D__MPI -DDXML -I/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/include -I/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/Modules -I/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/PW -I/home/proffess/PWscf-1.3/PH -c cft3.f90
> f90: Error: cft3.f90, line 79: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [DFFTP]
> mc = dfftp%ismap (i)
I think that the problems comes from the following lines:
#if defined __FFT_MODULE_DRV
use fft_scalar, only : cft_1z, cft_2xy
use sticks, only: dfftp
which should better look like this:
#if defined __FFT_MODULE_DRV
use fft_scalar, only : cft_1z, cft_2xy
use sticks, only: dfftp
can you confirm, Paolo?
I compiled it with no problems on HP/Compaq (former DEC/alpha) cluster,
but using internal FFTW:
-I$(OSHOME)/include -I./
I don't know if it works in parallel with DXML (I don't see any
cft_dxml.f90 or similar ...).
Guido Roma <roma${at}cea.fr> -- CEA-Saclay - DEN/DMN/SRMP Bat.520/130
Phone: [+33]-1-69085738 -- Fax: ...6867 -- Mobile: [+33]-6-20069085
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