[Pw_forum] question!!!

Stefano de Gironcoli degironc at sissa.it
Wed Oct 15 09:09:55 CEST 2003

An example of use for  program projwfc (that produces atomic-projected 
partial DOS) is given in example8.
If io_choice is set to "files" or "both" (default vaule) it produces a 
number of files (one for each atomic wavefunction in the pseudopotential 
of each atom in the cell) that contains the projected dos on the (2l+1)  
angular momentum components, or 2*(2l+1) in case of spin polarized 
calculation, for the given atomic wfc of the given atom.


ZAM GIN wrote:

> i would like know how can i use the post processing projdos.
> I appreciate if you help me. Thank's.
>                                                Zam

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