[Pw_forum] Bader analysis, part II
Paolo Giannozzi
giannozz at nest.sns.it
Wed Oct 8 12:00:22 CEST 2003
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 22:27, Steven Kirk wrote:
> Firstly, thank you for your responses to my previous enquiry regarding
> Bader analysis of the results produced by PWSCF.
> I am strongly considering writing some code to add this capability to,
> for example, the PP program from PWSCF.
consider yourself strongly encouraged. Once upon a time somebody tried
to implement some Bader-analysis stuff. I heard that one problem specific
to pseudopotentials is that the assumption that the charge density has
maxima only on atoms is no longer true. I don't think this is a major problem,
though. Also the presence of the augmentation charge in the ultrasoft case
shouldn't be a problem.
> I would be very grateful if any of the participants on this list or the
> developers can point me to an appropriate location in the code
> where it would be possible to 'splice in' this capability.
"where", among the postprocessing codes. Start from a template like
the one attached, add a line to PP/Makefile, for instance:
bader.x: $(PPOBJS) bader.o
$(LD) -o baders.x bader.o $(PPOBJS) $(PWOBJS) $(MODULES) $(LDFLAGS)
(the first character is a tabulator!!!)
"how", it's another story. The meaning of the relevant variables is (should
be) described (sort of) in PW/pwcom.f90; other info is spread throughout
the code. Try the "monkey style": look how things are done in the code
and imitate!!!
Paolo Giannozzi e-mail: giannozz at nest.sns.it
Scuola Normale Superiore Phone: +39/050509412
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7 Fax: +39/050509417, 050563513
I-56126 Pisa, Italy Office: Lab. NEST, Via della Faggiola 19
-------------- next part --------------
program bader
use pwcom
use becmod
use io_files, only: nd_nmbr, prefix, tmp_dir
#ifdef __PARA
use para, only: me
use io_global, only: ionode_id
use mp, only: mp_bcast
implicit none
character(len=256) :: outdir
integer :: ios
namelist / inputpp / outdir, prefix
call start_postproc (nd_nmbr)
! set default values for variables in namelist
prefix = 'pwscf'
outdir = './'
#ifdef __PARA
if (me == 1) then
read (5, inputpp, err = 200, iostat = ios)
200 call errore ('bader', 'reading inputpp namelist', abs (ios) )
tmp_dir = trim(outdir)
#ifdef __PARA
end if
! ... Broadcast variables
CALL mp_bcast( tmp_dir, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( prefix, ionode_id )
! Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
call read_file
call openfil
call init_us_1
call do_what_i_need
call stop_pp
end program bader
subroutine do_what_i_need
! This routine does this and that
#include "machine.h"
(may or may not be needed, it makes no harm)
#ifdef __PARA
use para, only: me
use pwcom
implicit none
... local variables here
...calculate ...
#ifdef __PARA
if (me == 1) then
... write results to output ...
#ifdef __PARA
end subroutine do_what_i_need
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