[Pw_forum] compiling on Unix alpha

Michele Tosolini mtoso at ts.infn.it
Mon Nov 10 11:58:02 CET 2003

Dear PWscf users,

when trying to compile pw.1.3.0 on a Unix compaq alpha, after "./configure
alpha" and "make pw"  i get this:

-I/cluster/members/member0/tmp/mtoso/include -I./ -c fft_stick.c
ar rv clib.a c_getenv.o c_today.o cpflush.o factor.o indici.o memstat.o
qsort.o readocc.o round2.o cptimer.o fft_stick.o
a - c_getenv.o
a - c_today.o
a - cpflush.o
a - factor.o
a - indici.o
a - memstat.o
a - qsort.o
a - readocc.o
a - round2.o
a - cptimer.o
a - fft_stick.o
ar: Warning: creating clib.a
Make: Cannot open .dependencies.  Stop.
*** Exit 1

How can i manage it? thanks. By the way, are there any specific
suggestions for compiling flags on Unix alpha machine?

PS: Makefile in flib/ says "include .dependencies" , but there's no
such file there. Is that the problem?

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