[Pw_forum] projected dos on local basis
Francesco Antoniella
francesco.antoniella at aquila.infn.it
Thu May 22 14:10:45 CEST 2003
Il gio, 2003-05-22 alle 13:51, Damien Connetable ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I arrived to use the ``projefc.x'' program, however
> I did not arrive to use the ``projected_dos'' program, because the
> output format is not good. Then, I have tried to find in the different PWSCF versions the
> good ``projefc.x'' which can generate the good output file, whithout results.
> Could you specify to me the modifications ?
> Thank you in advance for your kindness.
> Regards,
I will send you the whole projwave.f90 because there are modifications
at least in two places.
This file refers to the PW_112 version but I think it's rather simple to
attach to other versions.
Try before to make a diff to see wich places are different!!
> Damien
> >Ok guy, I'm the writer of the routine.
> >You need before to create the projections on the atomic orbitals via the
> >projefc.x program.
> >I'assume you are aware of how to do this step.
> >After you must check if your projwfc is the version modified by me that
> >give TWO output files : the one you named in the input of projwfc.x and
> >the same with ".raw" appended.
> >Is the latter the one needed for the program projected_dos
> >You must give a namelist like
> >&input
> >filename="site/where/.rawfile/is"
> >alpha=0.05 !the smearing of the DOS
> >ei=10
> >ef=5 ! to have the dos plot form -10:5 ev , efermi beeing the 0
> >nstep=501 (default) number of interpolation steps.
> >/
> >
> >If you don't have the modified projwfc.x I will give you the (few) lines
> >to be put in the source.
> >BestRegards
> >Francesco
> >
> >
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-------------- next part --------------
! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine do_projwfc (nodenumber)
! projects wavefunctions onto orthogonalized atomic wavefunctions
! calculates Lowdin charges, spilling parameter
! input: namelist "&inputpp", with variables
! filpun input file saved by program pwscf
! tmp_dir temporary directory where file filpun resides
! filproj output file containing the results
use pwcom
use io
implicit none
character (len=3) :: nodenumber
character (len=14) :: filproj
integer :: ios
namelist / inputpp / tmp_dir, filpun, filproj
nd_nmbr = nodenumber
! set default values for variables in namelist
filpun = ' '
tmp_dir = './'
filproj = ' '
read (5, inputpp, err = 200, iostat = ios)
200 call error ('projwave', 'reading inputpp namelist', abs (ios) )
! Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
call read_file
call openfil
call projwave (filproj)
end subroutine do_projwfc
subroutine projwave (filproj)
#include "machine.h"
use allocate
use pwcom
use io
#ifdef PARA
use para
implicit none
character (len=14) :: filproj
character (len=18) :: filprojraw
type wfc_label
integer na, n, l, m
end type wfc_label
type(wfc_label), allocatable :: nlmchi(:)
integer :: ik, ibnd, i, j, k, na, nb, nt, isym, n, m, m1, l, lm, nwfc,&
nwfc1, lmax_wfc, np, npseu
logical :: exst
real(kind=DP) :: psum, totcharge_up, totcharge_down
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: e (:), proj (:,:,:), charges_up(:,:), charges_down(:,:)
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: wfcatom (:,:), overlap (:,:), &
work (:,:), work1(:), proj0(:,:)
integer, allocatable :: index(:)
if (filproj.eq.' ') return
write (6, '(/5x,''Calling projwave .... '', &
& /5x,''Projections are written on file '',a,'' and '',a)') &
filproj, filprojraw
if (lsda) then
write(6,'(/5x,'' Spin polarized calculation '')')
if (.not.(mod(nkstot,2).eq.0)) then
write(6,'(/5x,'' Wrong no of k points ... exiting'')')
end if
end if
allocate(swfcatom (npwx , natomwfc ) )
allocate(wfcatom (npwx, natomwfc) )
allocate(proj (natomwfc, nbnd, nkstot) )
allocate(overlap (natomwfc, natomwfc) )
allocate(e (natomwfc) )
proj = 0.d0
overlap= (0.d0,0.d0)
! initialize D_Sl for l=1 and l=2, for l=0 D_S0 is 1
call d_matrix (d1, d2)
! fill structure nlmchi
allocate (nlmchi(natomwfc))
lmax_wfc = 0
do na = 1, nat
nt = ityp (na)
do n = 1, nchi (nt)
if (oc (n, nt) .gt.0.d0.or..not.newpseudo (nt) ) then
l = lchi (n, nt)
lmax_wfc = max (lmax_wfc, l )
do m = 1, 2 * l + 1
nlmchi(nwfc)%na = na
nlmchi(nwfc)%n = n
nlmchi(nwfc)%l = l
nlmchi(nwfc)%m = m
if (lmax_wfc.gt.2) call error ('projwave', 'l > 2 not yet implemented', 1)
if (nwfc.ne.natomwfc) call error ('projwave', 'wrong # of atomic wfcs?', 1)
! loop on k points
call init_us_1
do ik = 1, nks
npw = npwx
call gk_sort (xk (1, ik), ngm, g, ecut (maxter) / tpiba2, npw, &
igk, g2kin)
call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, - 1)
call atomic_wfc (ik, wfcatom)
call init_us_2 (npw, igk, xk (1, ik), vkb)
call ccalbec (nkb, npwx, npw, natomwfc, becp, vkb, wfcatom)
call s_psi (npwx, npw, natomwfc, wfcatom, swfcatom)
! wfcatom = |phi_i> , swfcatom = \hat S |phi_i>
! calculate overlap matrix O_ij = <phi_i|\hat S|\phi_j>
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', natomwfc, natomwfc, npw, (1.d0, 0.d0) , &
wfcatom, npwx, swfcatom, npwx, (0.d0, 0.d0) , overlap, natomwfc)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (2 * natomwfc * natomwfc, overlap)
! calculate O^{-1/2}
allocate(work (natomwfc, natomwfc) )
call cdiagh (natomwfc, overlap, natomwfc, e, work)
do i = 1, natomwfc
e (i) = 1.d0 / dsqrt (e (i) )
do i = 1, natomwfc
do j = i, natomwfc
overlap (i, j) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do k = 1, natomwfc
overlap (i, j) = overlap (i, j) + e (k) * work (j, k) * conjg (work (i, k) )
if (j.ne.i) overlap (j, i) = conjg (overlap (i, j))
deallocate (work)
! calculate wfcatom = O^{-1/2} \hat S | phi>
call ZGEMM ('n', 't', npw, natomwfc, natomwfc, (1.d0, 0.d0) , &
swfcatom, npwx, overlap, natomwfc, (0.d0, 0.d0), wfcatom, npwx)
! make the projection <psi_i| O^{-1/2} \hat S | phi_j>
allocate(proj0(natomwfc,nbnd) )
call ZGEMM ('c', 'n', natomwfc, nbnd, npw, (1.d0, 0.d0) , &
wfcatom, npwx, evc, npwx, (0.d0, 0.d0) , proj0, natomwfc)
#ifdef PARA
call reduce (2 * natomwfc * nbnd, proj0)
! symmetrize the projections
allocate(work1 (nbnd) )
do nwfc = 1, natomwfc
! atomic wavefunction nwfc is on atom na
na= nlmchi(nwfc)%na
n = nlmchi(nwfc)%n
l = nlmchi(nwfc)%l
m = nlmchi(nwfc)%m
!write(*,'(3(2x,2f18.12))') proj0((nwfc1+1):(nwfc1+3),2)
do isym = 1, nsym
nb = irt (isym, na)
do nwfc1 =1, natomwfc
if (nlmchi(nwfc1)%na.eq. nb .and. &
nlmchi(nwfc1)%n .eq. nlmchi(nwfc)%n .and. &
nlmchi(nwfc1)%l .eq. nlmchi(nwfc)%l .and. &
nlmchi(nwfc1)%m .eq. 1 ) go to 10
end do
call error('projwave','cannot symmetrize',1)
10 nwfc1=nwfc1-1
!print*, nwfc, nwfc1, isym, na, nb
! nwfc1 is the first rotated atomic wfc corresponding to nwfc
if (l.eq.0) then
work1(:) = proj0 (nwfc1 + 1,:)
else if (l.eq.1) then
work1(:) = 0.d0
do m1 = 1, 3
work1(:) = work1(:) + d1 (m, m1, isym) * &
proj0 (nwfc1 + m1,:)
! print*, isym, work1(2)
!print*, proj0((nwfc1 + 1):(nwfc1+3),2)
else if (l.eq.2) then
work1(:) = 0.d0
do m1 = 1, 5
work1(:) = work1(:) + d2 (m, m1, isym) * &
proj0 (nwfc1 + m1,:)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
proj (nwfc, ibnd, ik) = proj (nwfc, ibnd, ik) + &
work1(ibnd) * conjg (work1(ibnd)) / nsym
write(*,'(f18.12,2x,2f18.12)') proj(nwfc,2,ik), work1(2)
deallocate (work1)
deallocate (proj0 )
! on k-points
#ifdef PARA
! recover the vector proj over the pools
call poolrecover (et, nbndx, nkstot, nks)
call poolrecover (proj, nbnd * natomwfc, nkstot, nks)
if (me.eq.1.and.mypool.eq.1) then
! write on the output file
call seqopn (4, filproj, 'formatted', exst)
call seqopn (29, filprojraw, 'formatted', exst)
write (4,'(/"Projection on atomic states:"/)')
write (29, * ) natomwfc, nbnd, nkstot, ef
write (29, * ) ntyp, nat, lsda
do np = 1, ntyp
write (29, * ) np, nchi (np), (lchi (n, np), n = 1, nchi (np) )
write (29, * ) (ityp (na), na = 1, nat)
do nwfc = 1, natomwfc
write(4,'(5x,"state #",i3,": atom ",i3," (",a3,"), wfc ",i2, &
& " (l=",i1," m=",i2,")")') &
nwfc, nlmchi(nwfc)%na, atm(ityp(nlmchi(nwfc)%na)), &
nlmchi(nwfc)%n, nlmchi(nwfc)%l, nlmchi(nwfc)%m
end do
allocate(index (natomwfc) )
do ik = 1, nkstot
write (29, '(4f14.10)') (xk (i, ik) , i = 1, 3) , wk (ik)
if (lsda) then
if (ik.eq.1) write(4,'(/,6x,''----------SPIN UP----------'')')
if (ik.eq.(nkstot/2+1)) write(4,'(/,6x,''----------SPIN DOWN----------'')')
end if
write (4, '(/" k = ",3f14.10)') (xk (i, ik) , i = 1, 3)
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
write (29, '(f14.10)') et (ibnd, ik) * rytoev
write (29, '(8f10.6)') (proj (i, ibnd, ik) , i = 1, natomwfc+1)
write (4, '(5x,"e = ",f14.10," eV")') et (ibnd, ik) * rytoev
! sort projections by magnitude, in decreasing order
do nwfc = 1, natomwfc
index (nwfc) = 0
e (nwfc) = - proj (nwfc, ibnd, ik)
end do
call hpsort (natomwfc, e, index)
! only projections that are larger than 0.001 are written
do nwfc = 1, natomwfc
e (nwfc) = - e(nwfc)
if ( abs (e(nwfc)).lt.0.001 ) go to 20
end do
nwfc = natomwfc + 1
20 nwfc = nwfc -1
! fancy (?!?) formatting
write (4, '(5x,"psi = ",5(f5.3,"*[#",i3,"]+"))') &
(e (i), index(i), i = 1, min(5,nwfc))
do j = 1, (nwfc-1)/5
write (4, '(10x,"+",5(f5.3,"*[#",i3,"]+"))') &
(e (i), index(i), i = 5*j+1, min(5*(j+1),nwfc))
end do
psum = 0.d0
do nwfc = 1, natomwfc
psum = psum + proj (nwfc, ibnd, ik)
end do
write (4, '(4x,"|psi|^2 = ",f5.3)') psum
deallocate (index)
! estimate partial charges (Loewdin) on each atom
allocate ( charges_up (nat, 0:lmax_wfc ) )
allocate ( charges_down (nat, 0:lmax_wfc ) )
do ik = 1, nkstot
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
do nwfc = 1, natomwfc
na= nlmchi(nwfc)%na
l = nlmchi(nwfc)%l
if((.not.(lsda)).or.((lsda).and.(ik.le.(nkstot/2)))) then
charges_up(na,l) = charges_up(na,l) + wg (ibnd,ik) * &
proj (nwfc, ibnd, ik)
charges_down(na,l) = charges_down(na,l) + wg (ibnd,ik) * &
proj (nwfc, ibnd, ik)
end if
end do
end do
write (4, '(/"Lowdin Charges: "/)')
psum = 0.0
do na = 1, nat
totcharge_up = 0.d0
totcharge_down = 0.d0
do l = 0, lmax_wfc
totcharge_up = totcharge_up + charges_up(na,l)
totcharge_down = totcharge_down + charges_down(na,l)
end do
psum = psum + totcharge_up+totcharge_down
if(.not.(lsda)) then
write (4, '(5x,"Atom # ",i3,": total charge = ",f8.4, &
& ", s, p, d = ",4f8.4 )') &
na, totcharge_up, ( charges_up(na,l), l= 0,lmax_wfc)
write (4, '(5x,"Atom # ",i3,": total charge spin up = ",f8.4, &
& ", s, p, d = ",4f8.4 )') &
na, totcharge_up, ( charges_up(na,l), l= 0,lmax_wfc)
write (4, '(5x," ",i3,": total charge spin down = ",f8.4, &
& ", s, p, d = ",4f8.4 )') &
na, totcharge_down, ( charges_down(na,l), l= 0,lmax_wfc)
write (4, '(5x," ",i3,": total pol. (up-down) = ",f8.4, &
& ", s, p, d = ",4f8.4 )') &
na, totcharge_up-totcharge_down,&
( charges_up(na,l)-charges_down(na,l), l= 0,lmax_wfc)
end if
end do
psum = psum / nelec
write (4, '(5x,"Spilling Parameter: ",f8.4)') 1.0 - psum
! Sanchez-Portal et al., Sol. State Commun. 95, 685 (1995).
! The spilling parameter measures the ability of the basis provided by
! the pseudo-atomic wfc to represent the PW eigenstates,
! by measuring how much of the subspace of the Hamiltonian
! eigenstates falls outside the subspace spanned by the atomic basis
close (unit=4)
deallocate (charges_up,charges_down)
#ifdef PARA
deallocate (nlmchi)
deallocate (e)
deallocate (overlap)
deallocate (proj)
deallocate (wfcatom)
deallocate (swfcatom)
end subroutine projwave
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