[Pw_forum] Length of tmp_dir

Michele Lazzeri michele.lazzeri at lmcp.jussieu.fr
Mon Jun 23 10:49:58 CEST 2003

Dear Noah,
You are right, in the code there are constraint in the length of the string 'tmp_dir',
if you are just looking for a simple way to skip this problem you can:

create a link to a directory with a short name (before running the code ) with the
ln -sf    /scratch/directory/with/a/very/longname//      ./scr
and use in the input file:

I guess this should work also for oudir

NoahPark wrote:

> Dear PWscf users;
> When I initially run the code, I get the following message.
> >>   /S/n006/home006/f0006/tmpX//    non existent or non writeable.
> Now, I comment out the two lines in bottom of input.f90, as the following.
> >> ! if (ios /= 0 ) call error('reading', &
> >> !                   trim(tmp_dir)//' non existent or non writable',1)
> By this modification, the code works almost successfully, except the following behaviors.
>  1. when I gave a somehow short string to 'outdir' in input file,
>          outdir = '/S/n006/home006/f0006/tmpX//'
>     The code works successfully.
>  2. when I gave a somehow longer string to 'outdir'  in input file,
>          outdir = '/S/n006/home006/f0006/tmpX/tmpX.b/tmpX.b.b//'
>     The code iterate with a total energy of a strange value.
>  3. when I did not include the string of 'outdir' in input file,
>     The code runs successfully, but, 'restart' doesn't work.
>     The code fails in reading wavefunctions written in the previous work.
>  This may be caused by the constraint in the length of the string of 'tmp_dir'.
>  If so, how could I increase its available length.
>  If not, would anybody please guess the reason for the observed phenomena ????

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