[Pw_forum] Error
Stefano de Gironcoli
degironc at sissa.it
Mon Jul 28 10:13:56 CEST 2003
There could be some problem with a restart file or some other garbage in
the scratch area or there could be something very wrong in your atomic
configuration or a problem with the methfessel-paxton smearing you are
using. Please check for the first two possibilities.
As for the latter: the algorithm that search for the Fermi energy is
based on bisection and assumes that N(e) is an increasing function of
the energy (that is garanteed if the smearing function delta(e) is a
positive defined function). MP smearing of order 1 is not positive
definite and this can create problems when using a very few k-points
(only Gamma in your case).
Use some other smearing function. A good choice should be the
Marzari-Vanderbilt function that is positive definite and still gives
energies that are rather insensitive on the smearing width used (for
reasonably small width).
all the best ,
Stefano de Gironcoli
Sergei Lisenkov wrote:
>Dear PW usaers,
>I got the nezt error:
> ** C tau(120) = ( -0.2454734 -0.5782699 -0.1578424 )
> ** C tau(121) = ( -0.2104009 -0.4205185 0.0000224 )
> ** C tau(122) = ( -0.3857310 -0.5778961 -0.5785966 )
> ** C tau(123) = ( -0.3506644 -0.4200456 -0.7364913 )
> ** C tau(124) = ( -0.3156031 -0.5780257 -0.5786098 )
> ** C tau(125) = ( -0.2805347 -0.4202360 -0.7365173 )
> ** C tau(126) = ( -0.2454747 -0.5782664 -0.5786413 )
> ** C tau(127) = ( -0.3857204 0.1586895 -0.5785945 )
> ** C tau(128) = ( -0.3506562 0.0007500 -0.7364848 )
> ** C tau(129) = ( -0.3155852 0.1585417 -0.5786086 )
> ** C tau(130) = ( -0.2805231 0.0005604 -0.7364983 )
> ** C tau(131) = ( -0.2104035 -0.4205188 -0.7365369 )
> ** C tau(132) = ( -0.2454504 0.1583169 -0.5786375 )
> ** C tau(133) = ( -0.2103922 0.0002775 -0.7365495 )
> ** C tau(134) = ( -0.4207937 -0.4199813 0.0000914 )
> ** C tau(135) = ( -0.4207879 0.0008623 0.0000849 )
> ** C tau(136) = ( -0.4207882 0.0008632 -0.7364904 )
> number of k points= 1 gaussian broad. (ryd)= 0.0200 ngauss = 1
> cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
> k( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000), wk = 2.0000000
> cryst. coord.
> k( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000), wk = 2.0000000
> G cutoff =15228.8379 ( 78935 G-vectors) FFT grid: (250, 25, 25)
> G cutoff =14805.8146 ( 75435 G-vectors) smooth grid: (243, 25, 25)
> nbndx = 544 nbnd = 326 natomwfc = 544 npwx = 95
> nelec = 544.00 nkb = 1088 ngl = 371
> Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
> Starting wfc are atomic
> Dynamical memory: 11.00Mb current, 30.24Mb maximum
> total cpu time spent up to now is 60.16 secs
> iteration # 1 ecut= 35.00 ryd beta=0.10
> Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
> ethr = 1.00E-02, avg # of iterations = 4.7
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> from Efermi : error # 1
> unexpected error
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> stopping ...
>How to solve it?
>Best wishes,
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