[Pw_forum] error on LINUX-MPI

Giovanni Cangiani giovanni.cangiani at epfl.ch
Tue Jul 8 11:35:43 CEST 2003

I encoutered the same problem some time ago. 
The definition of MPI_REAL8 in mpif.h from lam distribution is missing.
MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION is defined instead.
A quick workaround is to define it in the include/machine.h file:
something like

#ifdef __LAM

and define __LAM cpp directive in your make.sys:


I do not remember exactly but I have the feeling that with 
lam there were still another problem. But let see first what you get 
with this.


On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 11:19, Sergei Lisenkov wrote:
> Dear PW users,
> I tried to compile mpi version of PW on PC clusters using ifc and lam-mpi. I got (attach).
> How to solve it?
> Thanks for help,
> Sergey

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