[Pw_forum] computation of STM maps

mutombo mutombo at fzu.cz
Thu Feb 20 15:39:49 CET 2003

Dear Users,
I am trying to run pp.x in order to compute  a STM map. Unfortunately I am getting
the following error message:

nbndx  =    50  nbnd   =    24  natomwfc =    50  npwx   =   11066
 nelec  =   40.00 nkb   =    50  ngl    =    2156

Input/Output Error 153: Input file ended

   In Procedure: sum_band
        At Line: 81

      Statement: Unformatted READ
           Unit: 7
   Connected To: /home/crystal/tmp/pwscf.igk
           Form: Unformatted
         Access: Sequential
Records Read   : 0
Records Written: 0

End of diagnostics

It seems like  that the "pwscf.igk " file   is needed.   But when I checked the
temporary directory, there  is no such file. It appears as it is deleted  at the
end of the "scf "cycles.  How can I tell the machine to keep this file in the
temporary directory?

Best regards,

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