[Pw_forum] PWscf on ATHLON cluster

Sergei Lisenkov proffess at yandex.ru
Fri Dec 19 13:31:02 CET 2003

Dear PWscf users,

I tried to perform some calculations on ATHLON cluster (8 dual nodes) for carbon systems. I checked 
the diamond structure (8 atoms in unit cell). But I met the disconvergence adter 1 step:

     Program PWSCF     v.1.3.1  starts ...
     Today is 19Dec2003 at 15:23: 4 

     Parallel version (MPI)
     Number of processors in use:     13
     R & G space division: nprocp =   13

     Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials

     Current dimensions of program pwscf are:
     ntypx =10   npk =40000  lmax = 3
     nchix = 6  ndim = 2000  nbrx = 8 nqfm = 8

     noncolin = F

     gamma_only = F

     Planes per process (thick) : nr3 = 45 npp =   4 ncplane = 2025

     Planes per process (smooth): nr3s= 25 npps=   2 ncplanes=  625
 Proc/  planes cols    G   planes cols    G    columns  G
 Pool       (dense grid)      (smooth grid)   (wavefct grid)
  1      4     98   2636    2     39    673   10     82
  2      4     98   2636    2     39    669   10     82
  3      4     98   2636    2     39    669   10     82
  4      4     98   2636    2     39    669   10     80
  5      4    100   2636    2     39    665   10     80
  6      4     98   2636    2     39    665   10     80
  7      3     98   2636    2     39    665   10     80
  8      3     98   2636    2     39    661   10     80
  9      3     98   2636    2     39    665   10     80
 10      3    100   2636    2     40    678   10     80
 11      3     99   2635    2     40    678   10     80
 12      3     99   2635    2     39    677    9     79
 13      3     99   2635    1     39    675   10     80
  0     45   1281  34265   25    509   8709  129   1045

     Calculation of C-diamond, 8 atoms in unit cell, LDA                        

     bravais-lattice index     =            1
     lattice parameter (a_0)   =       8.0000  a.u.
     unit-cell volume          =     512.0000 (a.u.)^3
     number of atoms/cell      =            8
     number of atomic types    =            1
     kinetic-energy cutoff     =      25.0000  Ry
     charge density cutoff     =     250.0000  Ry
     convergence threshold     =      1.0E-01
     beta                      =       0.7000
     number of iterations used =            8  plain     mixing
     Exchange-correlation      =  SLA  PW   GGX  GGC (1422)
     iswitch =  3  nstep  = ****

     celldm(1)=    8.00000  celldm(2)=    0.00000  celldm(3)=    0.00000
     celldm(4)=    0.00000  celldm(5)=    0.00000  celldm(6)=    0.00000

     crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)
               a(1) = (  1.0000  0.0000  0.0000 )  
               a(2) = (  0.0000  1.0000  0.0000 )  
               a(3) = (  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000 )  

     reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)
               b(1) = (  1.0000  0.0000  0.0000 )  
               b(2) = (  0.0000  1.0000  0.0000 )  
               b(3) = (  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000 )  

     PSEUDO 1 is C  (US)    zval =  4.0   lmax= 1   lloc= 0
     Version   0  0  0 of US pseudo code
     Using log mesh of   793 points
     The pseudopotential has  4 beta functions with: 
                l(1) =   0
                l(2) =   0
                l(3) =   1
                l(4) =   1
     Q(r) pseudized with  8 coefficients,  rinner =    0.600   0.600   0.600

     atomic species   valence    mass     pseudopotential
        C              4.00    12.01100     C ( 1.00)

      cell mass =   7.30181 UMA 

     No symmetry!

   Cartesian axes

     site n.     atom                  positions (a_0 units)
         1           C   tau(  1) = ( -0.2102321 -0.2102321 -0.2102321  )
         2           C   tau(  2) = (  0.2102321 -0.2102321  0.2102321  )
         3           C   tau(  3) = (  0.2102321  0.2102321 -0.2102321  )
         4           C   tau(  4) = ( -0.2102321  0.2102321  0.2102321  )
         5           C   tau(  5) = (  0.0000000  0.0000000  0.0000000  )
         6           C   tau(  6) = (  0.0000000  0.4204642  0.4204642  )
         7           C   tau(  7) = (  0.4204642  0.0000000  0.4204642  )
         8           C   tau(  8) = (  0.4204642  0.4204642  0.0000000  )

     number of k points=    1
                       cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
        k(   1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   2.0000000

     G cutoff =  405.2847  (  34265 G-vectors)     FFT grid: ( 45, 45, 45)
     G cutoff =  162.1139  (   8709 G-vectors)  smooth grid: ( 25, 25, 25)

     nbndx  =    32  nbnd   =    16  natomwfc =    32  npwx   =      82
     nelec  =   32.00 nkb   =    64  ngl    =    2636

     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
     Starting wfc are atomic

     total cpu time spent up to now is      1.52 secs

     iteration #  1     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  2.8

     total energy              =   -89.64033720 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.39762556 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is      2.22 secs

     iteration #  2     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  1.24E-03,  avg # of iterations =  4.8

     total energy              =   -88.84743196 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     1.32539489 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is      3.21 secs

     iteration #  3     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  1.24E-03,  avg # of iterations =  4.1

     total energy              =   -89.60469858 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.24082707 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is      4.15 secs

     iteration #  4     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  7.53E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.5

!    total energy              =   -89.76070592 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.03414841 ryd

     convergence has been achieved

     Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):

     atom   1 type  1   force =    -0.04841235   -0.01107637    0.10650106
     atom   2 type  1   force =     0.14285280    0.01861693    0.03950076
     atom   3 type  1   force =     0.14141795    0.11840410    0.10854035
     atom   4 type  1   force =    -0.01643065    0.11076508    0.03417804
     atom   5 type  1   force =    -0.03470170   -0.03612651   -0.03027343
     atom   6 type  1   force =     0.11134529   -0.12320537   -0.14589637
     atom   7 type  1   force =    -0.12834744    0.09751990   -0.16098688
     atom   8 type  1   force =    -0.16772389   -0.17489775    0.04843647

     Total force =     0.510769     Total SCF correction =     0.277674

     entering subroutine stress ...

          total   stress  (a.u.)                         (kbar)     P=   71.14
   0.00010302  -0.00000178   0.00056467         15.15     -0.26     83.07
  -0.00000178   0.00039066   0.00074725         -0.26     57.47    109.92
   0.00056467   0.00074725   0.00095718         83.07    109.92    140.81

     Parrinello-Rahman Damped Cell-Dynamics Minimization
     convergence thresholds: EPSE = 0.10E-03  EPSF = 0.10E-02  EPSP = 0.50E+00

     Entering Dynamics;  it =     1   time =  0.00000 pico-seconds

  new lattice vectors (alat unit) :
   1.000000083  -0.000000001   0.000000453
  -0.000000001   1.000000313   0.000000599
   0.000000453   0.000000599   1.000000767
  new unit-cell volume =    512.0006 (a.u.)^3
  new positions in cryst coord
C       -0.210232484  -0.210232199  -0.210231304
C        0.210233203  -0.210231973   0.210232416
C        0.210233192   0.210233017  -0.210231289
C       -0.210232240   0.210232958   0.210232375
C       -0.000000264  -0.000000275  -0.000000230
C        0.000000848   0.420463292   0.420463120
C        0.420463253   0.000000742   0.420463005
C        0.420462953   0.420462899   0.000000369
  new positions in cart coord (alat unit)
C       -0.210232596  -0.210232391  -0.210231687
C        0.210233315  -0.210231914   0.210232546
C        0.210233114   0.210232956  -0.210231229
C       -0.210232163   0.210233150   0.210232567
C       -0.000000264  -0.000000275  -0.000000230
C        0.000001037   0.420463676   0.420463694
C        0.420463478   0.000000994   0.420463518
C        0.420462988   0.420463030   0.000000811

     Ekin =     0.00000000 Ryd   T =    0.0 K  Etot =   -89.76070592

     NEW-OLD atomic charge density approx. for the potential
   0.0000000   0.0000000   0.0000000   2.0000000

     total cpu time spent up to now is      7.11 secs

     iteration #  1     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
 warning :   2 eigenvectors not converged after   4 attemps
     ethr =  7.53E-04,  avg # of iterations = 68.3

     integrated charge         =  7970.93579446

     total energy              =*************** ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <*************** ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     13.69 secs

     iteration #  2     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
 warning :   3 eigenvectors not converged after   2 attemps
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations = 31.8

     integrated charge         =     0.12451317

     total energy              =-68582.00853807 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <*************** ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     17.14 secs

     iteration #  3     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
 warning :   4 eigenvectors not converged after   1 attemps
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations = 16.4

     integrated charge         =     0.19686936

     total energy              =-62713.31117503 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <*************** ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     19.27 secs

     iteration #  4     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
 warning :   1 eigenvectors not converged after   1 attemps
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  9.1

     integrated charge         =     0.20961502

     total energy              =-61801.97633384 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <*************** ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     20.68 secs

     iteration #  5     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  3.3

     integrated charge         =     0.20978234

     total energy              =-61555.06003161 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <*************** ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     21.55 secs

     iteration #  6     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  9.8

     integrated charge         =     0.22364973

     total energy              =-60829.05367412 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <*************** ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     23.05 secs

     iteration #  7     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
 warning :   3 eigenvectors not converged after   1 attemps
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations = 15.9

     integrated charge         =     0.27674792

     total energy              =-57151.36271893 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <*************** ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     25.13 secs

     iteration #  8     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
 warning :   2 eigenvectors not converged after   1 attemps
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations = 14.9

     integrated charge         =     0.32040480

     total energy              =-54820.11646643 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <156960.66204163 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     27.17 secs

     iteration #  9     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  5.2

     integrated charge         =     0.32198903

     total energy              =-54790.74751836 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <127278.85530751 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     28.26 secs

     iteration # 10     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     integrated charge         =     0.32181453

     total energy              =-54828.94883453 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <161904.22683110 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     29.11 secs

     iteration # 11     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  1.00E-02,  avg # of iterations =  5.6

     integrated charge         =     0.32589278

     total energy              =-54283.70923535 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.13975491 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     30.21 secs

     iteration # 12     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
 warning :   2 eigenvectors not converged after   1 attemps
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations = 12.7

     integrated charge         =     0.33026094

     total energy              =-54284.75510936 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.16240115 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     32.02 secs

     iteration # 13     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.1

     integrated charge         =     0.33024571

     total energy              =-54284.75980825 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.16311350 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     32.88 secs

     iteration # 14     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     integrated charge         =     0.33023441

     total energy              =-54284.75675028 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.15355886 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     33.78 secs

     iteration # 15     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     integrated charge         =     0.33023653

     total energy              =-54284.70372435 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.15288852 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     34.63 secs

     iteration # 16     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     integrated charge         =     0.33022071

     total energy              =-54284.66090698 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.26644347 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     35.47 secs

     iteration # 17     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     integrated charge         =     0.33022050

     total energy              =-54284.63327082 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.34142825 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     36.38 secs

     iteration # 18     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     integrated charge         =     0.33020502

     total energy              =-54284.67953576 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.19171106 ryd

     total cpu time spent up to now is     37.26 secs

     iteration # 19     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

     integrated charge         =     0.33020680

!    total energy              =-54284.74980760 ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <     0.03935158 ryd

     convergence has been achieved

     Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):

     atom   1 type  1   force = ******************************************
     atom   2 type  1   force = ******************************************
     atom   3 type  1   force = ******************************************
     atom   4 type  1   force = ******************************************
     atom   5 type  1   force = 39653.05856598****************************
     atom   6 type  1   force = -4050.39023863****************************
     atom   7 type  1   force = ******************************************
     atom   8 type  1   force = ******************************************

     Total force = ************     Total SCF correction = ************

     entering subroutine stress ...

          total   stress  (a.u.)                         (kbar)     P=********
***************************************    ******************************
***************************************    ******************************
***************************************    ******************************

     Entering Dynamics;  it =     2   time =  0.00005 pico-seconds

  new lattice vectors (alat unit) :
  new unit-cell volume =???????????? (a.u.)^3
  new positions in cryst coord
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
  new positions in cart coord (alat unit)
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????
C     ??????????????????????????????????????????

     Ekin = ?????????????? Ryd   T = ?????? K  Etot = ??????????????

     NEW-OLD atomic charge density approx. for the potential

  Warning: negative or imaginary starting charge ????????????????????????  1
????????????????????????????????????   2.0000000

  Warning: negative or imaginary starting charge ????????????????????????  1

     total cpu time spent up to now is     40.39 secs

     iteration #  1     ecut=    25.00 ryd     beta=0.70
     Conjugate-gradient style diagonalization
     ethr =  4.37E-04,  avg # of iterations =  3.0

!    total energy              =??????????????? ryd
     estimated scf accuracy    <??????????????? ryd

     convergence has been achieved

     Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):

     atom   1 type  1   force = ??????????????????????????????????????????
     atom   2 type  1   force = ??????????????????????????????????????????
     atom   3 type  1   force = ??????????????????????????????????????????
     atom   4 type  1   force = ??????????????????????????????????????????
     atom   5 type  1   force = ??????????????????????????????????????????
     atom   6 type  1   force = ??????????????????????????????????????????
     atom   7 type  1   force = ??????????????????????????????????????????
     atom   8 type  1   force = ??????????????????????????????????????????

     Total force = ????????????     Total SCF correction = ????????????

     entering subroutine stress ...

On My another computer (HP workstation) it was done succesfully. I used Intel compiler (7.0) and 
LAM-MPI 7.0.3 (with Myrinet). What is the reason of my crash calculation?

Thank you for help,
Best wishes,

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