[Pw_forum] PWscf(1.2) work well in Windows platform
g930102 at ccit.edu.tw
g930102 at ccit.edu.tw
Wed Aug 27 04:21:33 CEST 2003
Dear PWSCF users
I have compiled an Intel machine under Windows 2000, with pw.1.2.0.
Here is my configurations of Hardware and Software.
PC Machine: Intel P-3
Operation System: Microsoft Windows 2000 sp4
Unixlike Environment in Windows: cygwin
Compiler: Intel(R) Fortran Compiler, Ver 7.1 Build 20030801z
Compiler: Intel(R) C++ Compiler, Ver 7.1 Build 20030801z
MKL Library: Intel® Math Kernel Library, Ver6.1
FFT Library: FFTW package(http://www.fftw.org/),
FFTW 2.1.5.(http://www.fftw.org/fftw-2.1.5.tar.gz)
The content of make.sys as follows,
# OSHOME=/home/LuFF/PWscf
# System-dependent Make definitions for cygwin in Windows platform and Intel compiler (v.7)
# Here just for trial in win32 porting
# add -DMKL if using the Intel Mathematical Kernel Library, Ver 6.1
# add -DFFTW if using the FFTW library, Ver. 2.1.5 or above
CPP = /bin/cpp
-D"FFTWND_F77_ONE=fftwnd_f77_one" \
-D"FFTW3D_F77_CREATE_PLAN=fftw3d_f77_create_plan" \
-D"FFTW_F77=fftw_f77" \
# Fortran compiler:
# fortran options:
# /4Yportlib enables the use of portability libraries (getarg
# and maybe other library calls)
# /w disable warnings
# /O3 more aggressive optimization
# /G6 Pentium Pro, 2, 3 optimization
# /G7 Pentium 4 optimization
FFLAGS =/4Yportlib /G6 /w /O3 /I../include/
# This is needed to tell the compiler where modules are
# use this for version = 7
MODULEFLAG= -nomodule -I $(OSHOME)/Modules -I$(OSHOME)/PW -I$(OSHOME)/PH
# Loader:
# The following is for Intel MKL libraries v. 6.1 on Pentium-3 or above
# Here we use the fftw-2.1.5, which compiled by Intel compiler(v.7)
LIBS= ../libfftw.lib ../mkl_c.lib
# Linker:
LFLAGS = /4Yportlib $(LIBS)
# Library Tools:
# ar:
AR = ar
I have run all examples, It's seems ok and work well.
It may be help for someone who need to try it in windows paltform.
Best Regards
Lu Fu-Fa, Doctoral Student, E-mail: g930102 at ccit.edu.tw
Semiconductors Lab., Dept. of Applied Physics
Chung Cheng Institute of Technology (CCIT), Taiwan
NOCC, http://nocc.sourceforge.net
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