[Pw_forum] FFTW problem

sprokuda at dnk.ru sprokuda at dnk.ru
Mon Aug 18 19:10:09 CEST 2003

Dear Paolo !

I'm really sorry that I'm asking the trivial question that has been
asked several times. The thing is that I can't find nothing with names
like fftw_f77_...so...on neither in MKL6.0 no in ATLAS.
you see - when I issue :

[root at sprokuda PWscf]# nm /home/sprokuda/ATLAS/lib/Linux_PII/*.a | grep T | grep -i fftw_f77
[root at sprokuda PWscf]# nm /opt/intel/mkl60/lib/32/*.a | grep T | grep -i fftw_f77

I get on both nothing. ( /home/sprokuda/ATLAS/lib/Linux_PII/ - ATLAS
libs, /opt/intel/mkl60/lib/32/ - MKL libs ), but when issue  :

[root at sprokuda PWscf]# nm /opt/intel/mkl60/lib/32/*.a | grep T | grep -i dcopy
00000000 T __MKL_BLAS_def_dcopy
00000000 T __MKL_BLAS_dcopy
00000000 T __MKL_BLAS_p3_dcopy
00000000 T __MKL_BLAS_p4_dcopy
00000000 T __MKL_BLAS_p4_dcopycr0
00000000 T __MKL_BLAS_p4_dcopycr1
00000000 T __MKL_BLAS_p4_dcopycrb
00000000 T __MKL_BLAS_F77_DCOPY
00000000 T DCOPY
00000000 T dcopy
00000000 T dcopy_
00000000 T cblas_dcopy

or :

[root at sprokuda PWscf]# nm /home/sprokuda/ATLAS/lib/Linux_PII/*.a | grep T | grep -i dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
00000000 T ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy_xp0yp0aXbX
         U ATL_dcopy_xp1yp1aXbX
00000000 T ATL_dcopy_xp1yp1aXbX
00000000 T ATL_dcopy_xp0yp0aXbX
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
         U ATL_dcopy
00000000 T cblas_dcopy
00000000 T dcopy_
         U ATL_dcopy
00000000 T atl_f77wrap_dcopy__

 - that is clear even for such a horrible Linux looser like me, that
 there are no function with names I need neither in MKL , no in
 ATLAS. Probably the thing is that fftw_f77 routines should be found
 in some other place ? if yes, where ?

You have to supply "PC" as a precompilation option.

I have it, and this problem is solved - thank you.

Please follow the instructions THAT REFER TO THE 
in particular those contained in the sample makefiles
(install/Make.pc_ifc) and in the manual (pwdocs/manual.tex)

> cft_3.o(.text+0xea): undefined reference to
> `fftw3d_f77_create_plan_' [...]

this problem has been discussed several times in the
mailing list.

I'm really apologizing , but I guess I'm subscribed for not so long
time - I've found nothig ...

You have to 
- link to fftw library, and

 yes, that's the point ...

- compile with the appropriate number of underscores,
  as explained in the manual

  I've tried with one, two and three - no result...

  Sorry for thre distorsion...

  Sergey Prokudaylo.

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